Upcoming Talks
Past Talks
Constraints: A developer’s secret weapon
- l PG Day Paris
- d March 15, 2018
How to Launch a Cloud Database in 3 Months
- l Surge
- d September 22, 2016
Introducing the Crystal Programming Language
Heroku Postgres - architecture of a cloud database
- l PgConf.Russia, Moscow, Russia
- d February 5, 2016
Writing a Postgres Driver
- l PGConf.eu, Vienna, Austria
- d October 28, 2015
A Collection of Fun with Ruby and Friends
The Dark Secrets of Postgres
Fighting for Small Data
- l PGConf US, New York
- d March 27, 2015
Better APIs with Pliny
Postgres for Application Developers
Visualizing Postgres
Embracing the web with JSON and PLV8
The JSON datatype combined with PLV8 javascript together in Postgres
Schemaless SQL—The Best of Both Worlds
Introducing the concept of a dual relational and document database using new features in Postgres
Heralding the Death of NoSQL
Introducing the power of using JavaScript inside of Postgres
Exposing the Power of Postgres to Ruby
Overview of (even more) fantastic but underappreciated Postgres features
Exposing the Power of Postgres to Ruby
Overview of fantastic but underappreciated Postgres features
General introduction to CouchDB
Pecha Kucha
20 slides that auto advance every 20 seconds
CouchDB, Ruby, and You
Introduction of CouchDB for Rubyists
Intro to Behavior Driven Design
Everyone has to give a talk on BDD at least once, right?
Relaxing with CouchDB
My first talk! Introduction of CouchDB for Rubyists